Is: A safe and confidential haven where one-on-one solution-focused communication is coupled with proven positive psychology tools to build hope, happiness, and goal-orientated results. Customized experiences are created to uplift and nurture each client. This facility currently serves women, female adolescents, and children of all ages. Modalities include mindfulness, EFT(Emotional freedom technique), positive self-image, family system focus, solution focus, hypnotherapy for positive outcomes, exploring the mind-body connection, wholistic wellness approach, and positive psychology. If you are interested in services not listed above please contact Clorissa personally to discuss options as it is impossible to list everything.
What this is NOT: Labeling, diagnosis, medication management, legal advice, suicide prevention, or medical treatment, (clients will be directed to a different professional if needing these services).
Fees: $65 per hour= 50 min of contact time and 10 min for record and resourcing.
Location: At the Nurturing Place: 89 E Catamaran Way Saratoga Springs, UT. Services are also offered through video conferencing or at public locations if prefered. Please call to discuss alternate options.